by Justin M Wozniak


This documents a plotter for simple data sets. It produces EPS output from two-column data sets using JFreeChart. The user interface is bin/jwplot

The overall idea is to produce high-quality, easily customizable plots by using the rich feature set in JFreeChart and providing a simple, scriptable user interface.

It should be easy to extend the plotter to use additional JFreeChart features.


Just check out from SVN and build with Ant:

svn co svn+ssh://
cd plotter


The plotter accepts a configuration file, a target output file name for the EPS, and a variable number of data files:

jwplot -s my_config.cfg my_output.eps


The output is controlled by the configuration (CFG) file which is formatted as a Java properties file. Examples may be found in the examples/ directory.

Java properties files have a key=value format where comments are denoted with #.

For example, load.cfg contains:

# Set the x label to "Input"
xlabel = Input
# Set the y label to "Output"
ylabel = Output
# For the data series in file "", use no shapes = none
# For the data series in file "", use legend label "Set 1" = Set 1

Configuration properties

  • Numbers may be formatted in obvious ways. Commas are automatically removed from numbers! (Cf. Java Double.parseDouble().)

  • True/false may be true or false. (Cf. Java Boolean.parseBoolean().)

  • Some properties are set on a per-data-file basis. In this case, part of the key is the file name.


    Set a plot title.


    Set labels for the X and Y axes.


    Set the width, height of the output EPS in pixels. Defaults to 400 by 400.


    Set the visible region of the plot. Defaults to an auto-selection made by JFreeChart.


    If true, use black and white only. Default: false.


    If true, show a legend. Default: true.


    May be normal, logarithmic (tends to use scientific notation in labels), log, or date. For date, provide date data as decimal milliseconds since the Unix Epoch. Default: normal.


    Set the legend label for the data series from file filename.


    If none, use no shape for the data series from file filename.


    The number of notes in the file, numbered starting from 0.


    The x, y, and text for note i. The text is centered on x, y with respect to the plot.


width = 6000
height = 1000
xmin = 2
xmax = 3
ymin = 4
ymax = 5
bw = true
# Keep X axis normal but use logarithic Y axis
axis.y = logarithmic
# A text note
notes = 1
note.0 2.5 4.5 This is my text label.


EPS files were chosen because of the ease of using them in LaTeX documents and the relative ease of producing other high-quality images from them via ImageMagick:

convert my_output.eps my_output.png
convert my_output.eps my_output.pdf


The data input is two columns of plain text numbers:

1.965 1.5

8 0
# This is a comment
1 7,000,000.1 # This is also a comment

As shown, empty lines and # comments are accepted. Commas are also automatically stripped.

Plotter options

The plotter accepts the following options on the command line.


Use a single Y axis.


Use a double Y axis (dual mode).


Turn on verbose output.

Dual mode

Dual mode allows the user to plot exactly two data series on the same plot, with separate X axes.

  1. Use -d above.

  2. Specify two data files.

  3. Instead of ymin, ymax, specify ymin1, ymax1, ymin2, ymax2.

  4. The first data series will be plotted with respect to a left-hand Y axis and the second data series with respect to a right-hand Y axis.

Issues, suggestions, and feature requests

Please use the JWPlot issue tracker: